sexta-feira, agosto 05, 2005


"listen to me cause I'm greater than the greatest... remember that.

oh sure you can beat me.. but that's only cause because I am greater than the greatest, I didn't want to hurt your pride, or your ego by beating you in such a way, you'd feel like a newborn child to the game. In other words, I let you win. because winning is so important to you. I mean you tried so hard... who am I to like just demolish all that? You know? I can't godzilla you like that. I mean you got a rep. I mean you practiced that hard.. man... I can't do that to you. so remember that Madnis is greater than the greatest.. and if you beat me. It's only cause I was lookin out for you. I mean.. at this recent va tourney.. i had 20 bys.. but because I was greater than the greatest... I went ahead and played people anyway.. but because I didn't want to dethrone cats. I lost to some people. or this other one in richmond.

I was the akuma of that tourney. I was goin come through and battle the champion right? but Jinmaster was like nah man.. you can't do that.. so.. I knew if i went through this tourney it wasn't goin be no fun.. so I went ahead and lost to Misato... I mean yeah I coulda came back but it woulda been no fun. I mean.. it would have been tight if i was comin in like akuma... you know? and then show the true... you know? but if i'm goin through the entire tourney. it's no fun.. cause then I gotta sit there and watch people struggle and what not.. that I just give up the ghost.. But because I am greater than the greatest.. I allowed you to beat me. Cause I didn't want to hurt nobody's feelins...

that's what's bein greater than the greatest is all about.. You so good... that you don't care no more. you can lose cause you know if you went all out. Nobody can stop you. Now that's real."

by Madnis
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